Integrated NBS-based Urban Planning Methodology for Enhancing the Health and Well-being
The city of the future will no longer be structurally comparable to the modernist city. The design practice of the last eighty years has brought us to really great challenges that will lead to radical changes in the system in ecological, social and economic terms.
Schoolfarm - Climate analysis :: © 2021 vertical farm institute
NBS :: BGS :: Public Health and Well-Being
Being part of the multidisciplinary process together with representatives from the frontrunner cities allows us to meet both specific needs from the municipalities and combining them with locally existing potentials to set up an action plan to prepare a solid basis to implement new building typologies as a result of climate analysis, economic potentials and architectural considerations.
By meeting global, national and local climate- and energy goals vertical farms should increase energy- and resource efficiencies with positive externalities. Increasing food security and year-round local food supply is the overall aim to be addressed.

Schoolfarm - Rooftop re-programming :: © 2021 vertical farm institute

Schoolfarm - Rooftop re-programming :: © 2021 vertical farm institute