The Vertical Farm - Towards a new building typology
We're partner of several national and international research projects investigating implementation strategies to increase urban food production.
Our testing- and research facility to measure and optimize material- and energy flows.

Vertical Farming Archive

Ruthner Tower - Irrigation practise of the Seventies - Ruthner Archive vfi
Our Dissemination Sculpture for Museums (Vienna, Dortmund, Granada)
Vertical Farming Feasibility Studies
We advise real estate developers, building owners and architects to implement urban indoor food production entities in the heart of the city.
Testing Facility and Quality of Work Enhancer
Mixed crop rotation system

Our Projects

Accept what we know of our future.

eu::POLIS Hori­zon 2020

eu::POLIS Horizon 2020

Being part of the mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary process allows us to meet both spe­cif­ic needs from the munic­i­pal­i­ties and com­bin­ing them with local­ly exist­ing poten­tials to set up an action plan to pre­pare a sol­id basis to imple­ment new build­ing typologies. 

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2560 1339 Ver­ti­cal Farm Institute
Build­ing Refur­bish­ment for food production

Building Refurbishment for food production

Upcom­ing EU Tax­on­o­my, ESG-cri­te­ria and all relat­ed changes to CO2-emis­­sions lead to rethink poten­tials of low-ener­­gy-stan­­dards of exist­ing build­ings. Expand­ing the life­cy­cle of build­ings by acti­vat­ing it for food pro­duc­tion leads to effec­tive pro­duc­tive and resilient cities. 

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2560 1436 Ver­ti­cal Farm Institute
Cloud Farm :: St. Pöl­ten Austria

Cloud Farm :: St. Pölten Austria

The city of St. Pöl­ten, in pur­suit of its vision of becom­ing the fittest city of Aus­tria, has aligned its strate­gic goals with the Smart City con­cept; urban food pro­duc­tion asks for being the fourth col­umn of it. 

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2305 1297 Ver­ti­cal Farm Institute

Our Service

Accept what we know of our future.

Con­sult­ing and research activ­i­ties have been gain­ing expo­nen­tial­ly in impor­tance for sev­er­al years - espe­cial­ly to enable the mea­sur­a­bil­i­ty of sus­tain­abil­i­ty figures.

This is cur­rent­ly increas­ing­ly demand­ed at the inter­na­tion­al polit­i­cal lev­el (ESG) - and also on the part of far-sight­ed, sus­tain­abil­i­ty-ori­ent­ed investors, there is a grow­ing real­iza­tion that the pro­duc­tion of healthy food must once again increas­ing­ly move to the side of the con­sumer, not least in order to ensure food secu­ri­ty with regard to new chal­lenges in terms of the sup­ply chain, which influ­ences pro­cure­ment and pric­ing. But also to pro­vide access to healthy food for all, there­by strength­en­ing local socio-eco­nom­ic net­works (key­word COVID-19) and build­ing resilience/resilience in our soci­ety. Urban agri­cul­ture is thus becom­ing increas­ing­ly impor­tant for urban plan­ning and policy.

Research results from the vfi show poten­tials on how cities can incor­po­rate urban agri­cul­ture into their poli­cies and, for exam­ple, acti­vate vacant land for food pro­duc­tion. In addi­tion, con­cepts for new build­ing typolo­gies - ver­ti­cal farms - can open up new busi­ness areas and, at the same time, jobs for new occu­pa­tion­al groups, thus mak­ing a pos­i­tive con­tri­bu­tion to mov­ing clos­er to the Glob­al Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Goals.

Our Journal

Dissemination, contribution of partners and ongoing discussions.

What’s on the table is what’s eat­en (Part 3: Future)
Functions- and Space Programme of a Multifunctional Building - Vertical Farm Building Typology

What’s on the table is what’s eaten (Part 3: Future)

Cur­rent­ly, the food val­ue chain accounts for about one third of pri­ma­ry ener­gy demand glob­al­ly. Pro­duc­tion, wash­ing, pro­cess­ing, pack­ag­ing, to name just a few ele­ments, are linked via trans­port and sup­port­ed by large-vol­ume stor­age and cold stor­age facil­i­ties with all its fos­sil fuel consumptions. 

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1920 1080 Ver­ti­cal Farm Institute
What’s on the table is what’s eat­en (Part 2: Present)
Vertical Harvest, Jackson, Wyoming, USA

What’s on the table is what’s eaten (Part 2: Present)

Too often it seems that efforts of parts of our soci­ety to draw atten­tion to cur­rent chal­lenges relat­ed to main­tain­ing a hab­it­able zone for us are lead­ing to nowhere. 

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1536 864 Ver­ti­cal Farm Institute
What’s on the table is what’s eat­en (Part 1: History)
Ruthner Turm 1974 - Design proposal for refurbishment by vertical farm institute

What’s on the table is what’s eaten (Part 1: History)

We are still part of nature. But with that the dis­cus­sion about nature is closed once and for all. Here it’s about cul­tur­al achieve­ments. About 11,500 years ago, we assumed - step by step - that it might be wis­er to grow food our­selves. From the ini­tial 50.000 m² that a per­son need­ed to feed him­self suf­fi­cient­ly before the Neolith­ic, we now need 2.300 m² per caput. 

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1920 1080 Ver­ti­cal Farm Institute

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Ideas, thoughts and pictures worth spreading

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