The Vertical Farm - Towards a new building typology
We're partner of several national and international research projects investigating implementation strategies to increase urban food production.
ALINA :: euPOLIS :: Horizon 2020-Project
Remote-controlled euPOLIS demonstrator for indoor-food production in full growth

Vertical Farming Archive

Ruthner Tower - Irrigation practise of the Seventies - Ruthner Archive vfi
Our Dissemination Sculpture for Museums (Vienna, Dortmund, Granada)
Vertical Farming Feasibility Studies
We advise real estate developers, building owners and architects to implement urban indoor food production entities in the heart of the city.
Testing Facility and Quality of Work Enhancer
Mixed crop rotation system for Museums, Schools and Lobbies

Our Projects

Accept what we know of our future.

Pho­to­syn­the­sis Rate Measurement

Photosynthesis Rate Measurement

The pho­to­syn­the­sis rate is one of the most impor­tant indi­ca­tors for the seques­tra­tion of car­bon and thus the ener­gy of plants. 

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1536 864 Ver­ti­cal Farm Institute
In-Vit­ro Production

In-Vitro Production

Bet­ter Plants and the vfi shar­ing research facil­i­ties in East­ern and West­ern Aus­tria. Main goal of the devel­op­ment of in-Vit­ro process­es is to inves­ti­gate to what extend con­ven­tion­al uses of indoor farm­ing (CEA-prac­tis­es) could be accom­pa­nied with in-Vitro-technology 

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1536 864 Ver­ti­cal Farm Institute
ALINA :: Monitoring
David Schmidmayr and ALINA Research Facility

ALINA :: Monitoring

Goal of the part­ner­ship with Bet­ter Plants is the stan­dard­iza­tion of data col­lec­tion and man­age­ment to set up an ade­quate basis for AI-inte­­grat­ed opti­miza­tion process­es. ALINA is a cen­tral test­ing facil­i­ty for it. :: Hori­zon 2020 :: euPOLIS-Project 

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1536 864 Ver­ti­cal Farm Institute

Our Service

Accept what we know of our future.

Con­sult­ing and research activ­i­ties have been gain­ing expo­nen­tial­ly in impor­tance for sev­er­al years - espe­cial­ly to enable the mea­sur­a­bil­i­ty of sus­tain­abil­i­ty figures.

This is cur­rent­ly increas­ing­ly demand­ed at the inter­na­tion­al polit­i­cal lev­el (ESG) - and also on the part of far-sight­ed, sus­tain­abil­i­ty-ori­ent­ed investors, there is a grow­ing real­iza­tion that the pro­duc­tion of healthy food must once again increas­ing­ly move to the side of the con­sumer, not least in order to ensure food secu­ri­ty with regard to new chal­lenges in terms of the sup­ply chain, which influ­ences pro­cure­ment and pric­ing. But also to pro­vide access to healthy food for all, there­by strength­en­ing local socio-eco­nom­ic net­works (key­word COVID-19) and build­ing resilience/resilience in our soci­ety. Urban agri­cul­ture is thus becom­ing increas­ing­ly impor­tant for urban plan­ning and policy.

Research results from the vfi show poten­tials on how cities can incor­po­rate urban agri­cul­ture into their poli­cies and, for exam­ple, acti­vate vacant land for food pro­duc­tion. In addi­tion, con­cepts for new build­ing typolo­gies - ver­ti­cal farms - can open up new busi­ness areas and, at the same time, jobs for new occu­pa­tion­al groups, thus mak­ing a pos­i­tive con­tri­bu­tion to mov­ing clos­er to the Glob­al Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Goals.

Our Journal

Dissemination, contribution of partners and ongoing discussions.

Why we still strug­gle to stat­ing the obvious
Laboratory environment optimizing energy- and resource streams

Why we still struggle to stating the obvious

Why AI sup­ports the next step in fram­ing the com­plex­i­ty of para­met­ric mod­els to move from Phase 1 and 2 to Phase 3 CEA-products 

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1536 864 Ver­ti­cal Farm Institute
Diagram Fertilizer and soil depths


“La novità é la cosa piú vec­chia che ci sia.” Rober­to Benig­ni (Nov­el­ty is the old­est thing there is.) This jour­nal entry pro­vides an insight into the first pub­li­ca­tion in which the des­ig­na­tion “Ver­ti­cal Farm­ing” appears. 

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1536 864 Ver­ti­cal Farm Institute
ALINA :: Research Facil­i­ty :: Hori­zon 2020 euPOLIS
ALINA euPOLIS Office Scupture

ALINA :: Research Facility :: Horizon 2020 euPOLIS

The upcom­ing weeks and months, sup­port­ed by rec­om­men­da­tions from sci­en­tists to nar­row down the effects from the new COVID-19 virus, should be used to under­stand how much poten­tial there is to real­ly become part of a crit­i­cal mass which wants to con­tribute to make the city of the future a more resilient, a more cul­ture ‑based and — most of all — a more life-affir­m­ing environment. 

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1536 864 Ver­ti­cal Farm Institute

Our Socials

Ideas, thoughts and pictures worth spreading

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