

Culti­no­va offer a range of sup­port ser­vices for Cultinova365 and Culti­no­vaEDGE hard­ware. From sys­tem design, soft­ware set­up and con­fig­u­ra­tion, process devel­op­ment sup­port, SOPs and doc­u­men­ta­tion through to com­pli­ance to stan­dards such as Glob­al­GAP and B Corp, audits, pre-con­fig­ured frame­works and cus­tom inte­gra­tion we can help you get the most from your cho­sen package.

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960 540 Vertical Farm Institute

GWT VerticalFarmTec GmbH

GWT Gesellschaft für Wass­er- und Wärme­tech­nik GmbH draws on more than 30 years of expe­ri­ence in the plan­ning and exe­cu­tion of water treat­ment plants and heat engi­neer­ing plants.

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Wageningen University and Research

The strength of Wagenin­gen Uni­ver­si­ty & Research lies in its abil­i­ty to join the forces of spe­cialised research insti­tutes and the uni­ver­si­ty. It also lies in the com­bined efforts of the var­i­ous fields of nat­ur­al and social sciences.

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Greentech Amsterdam

Knowl­edge, solu­tions and inno­va­tions are avail­able for every­one – chal­lenge your com­pe­ti­tion, improve effi­cien­cy and com­mer­cialise future solu­tions at our world class hor­ti­cul­ture tech­nol­o­gy events. Green­Tech is the glob­al meet­ing place for all pro­fes­sion­als involved in hor­ti­cul­ture tech­nol­o­gy. Green­Tech focus­es on the ear­ly stages of the hor­ti­cul­ture chain and pro­duc­tion issues rel­e­vant to grow­ers. Green­Tech offers two year­ly exhibitions.

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Agritecture Consulting

We define Agri­tec­ture as the art, sci­ence, and busi­ness of inte­grat­ing agri­cul­ture into the built envi­ron­ment. We’re a glob­al team of inter­dis­ci­pli­nary con­sul­tants that rely on an ever-expand­ing dataset and a proven method­ol­o­gy, hav­ing com­plet­ed more than 150 projects to date. Hen­ry is a sus­tain­abil­i­ty strate­gist focused on urban agri­cul­ture, water issues, and emerg­ing technologies.

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960 540 Vertical Farm Institute
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