
Atelier Bildau

Atelier BildauSebastian is a German designer and mass timber specialist. The interplay of sustainability, design and mass timber construction is crucial to his approach to Architecture and Urban Design. He worked as a Lead Design Architect at Provencher Roy Architects on two of the firms signature projects, The Sustainable Masterplan for the Technopole Angus Neighborhood…

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960 540 Vertical Farm Institute

eu::POLIS Horizon 2020

Being part of the mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary process allows us to meet both spe­cif­ic needs from the munic­i­pal­i­ties and com­bin­ing them with local­ly exist­ing poten­tials to set up an action plan to pre­pare a sol­id basis to imple­ment new build­ing typologies.

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2560 1339 Vertical Farm Institute

GWT VerticalFarmTec GmbH

GWT Gesellschaft für Wass­er- und Wärme­tech­nik GmbH draws on more than 30 years of expe­ri­ence in the plan­ning and exe­cu­tion of water treat­ment plants and heat engi­neer­ing plants.

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960 540 Vertical Farm Institute

Building Refurbishment for food production

Upcom­ing EU Tax­on­o­my, ESG-cri­te­ria and all relat­ed changes to CO2-emis­sions lead to rethink poten­tials of low-ener­gy-stan­dards of exist­ing build­ings. Expand­ing the life­cy­cle of build­ings by acti­vat­ing it for food pro­duc­tion leads to effec­tive pro­duc­tive and resilient cities.

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2560 1436 Vertical Farm Institute

Cloud Farm :: St. Pölten Austria

The city of St. Pöl­ten, in pur­suit of its vision of becom­ing the fittest city of Aus­tria, has aligned its strate­gic goals with the Smart City con­cept; urban food pro­duc­tion asks for being the fourth col­umn of it.

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2305 1297 Vertical Farm Institute

Vertical Farm Aspern Vienna

The Ver­ti­cal Farm – a build­ing typol­o­gy which accepts the lim­its to growth, acknowl­edges sci­en­tif­ic evi­dence, the intrin­sic human dri­ve for change to the bet­ter, the appre­ci­a­tion of life.

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2500 1406 Vertical Farm Institute

SAUTTER ZT advanced energy consulting

The design and devel­op­ment of sus­tain­able and ener­gy effi­cient ener­gy sys­tems for build­ings, while pro­vid­ing max­i­mum com­fort for the user is our concern.

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960 540 Vertical Farm Institute

Greentech Amsterdam

Knowl­edge, solu­tions and inno­va­tions are avail­able for every­one – chal­lenge your com­pe­ti­tion, improve effi­cien­cy and com­mer­cialise future solu­tions at our world class hor­ti­cul­ture tech­nol­o­gy events. Green­Tech is the glob­al meet­ing place for all pro­fes­sion­als involved in hor­ti­cul­ture tech­nol­o­gy. Green­Tech focus­es on the ear­ly stages of the hor­ti­cul­ture chain and pro­duc­tion issues rel­e­vant to grow­ers. Green­Tech offers two year­ly exhibitions.

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960 540 Vertical Farm Institute

The Firewall

The Fire­wall is a ver­ti­cal farm that has devel­oped from the search for unused prop­er­ties in the city. The design con­cept is based on the basic premise of using inner city den­si­fi­ca­tion for the pro­duc­tion of food.

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